Full Circles
I'm really happy with these 2 black and white porcelain slab vessels that I've made recently. I found some of my early slab vessels from 2001 to show you how the same slab technique of 2 sides on a base…
I'm really happy with these 2 black and white porcelain slab vessels that I've made recently. I found some of my early slab vessels from 2001 to show you how the same slab technique of 2 sides on a base…
Feeling and Healing the body from within Spring at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo and I led my first Somatics and Mindfulness retreat. New beginnings! 25 beautiful people showed up, slowed down together, moved gently, explored with interest and…
Never was the spiritual teaching that our buddha-nature “is like the sea, and each individual is like a wave on the surface of the ocean” (Hakuun Yasutani) more evident than at a recent visit to the beach front in Sea…
are you tired of that contracted, short and tight feeling, body and mind? is stretching just not providing long term relief? have you had the experience that it feels good to stretch in the short term but within a short…
I'm honoured to have been invited to share mindfulness practice on the inaugural Master Leader Programme. This 9-month online learning experience begins in September 2021. I am really looking forward to sharing how mindfulness practice unlocks the natural wisdom within…
“Develop a mind that is vast like space, where experiences both pleasant and unpleasant can appear and disappear without conflict, struggle or harm. Rest in a mind like vast sky.” The Buddha mindfulness points us to the the sky-like awareness…
This favourite quote from Leonard Cohen reminds us that what seems to be broken can also be viewed as an opportunity for new growth. The covid-19 pandemic has forced the production side of lisa firer design to close its doors.…
In the heart of London, we created this beautiful chandelier and a collection of our work in black and white for the cutting edge tattoo removal parlour Naama studios https://www.naamastudios.com
"up-cycling" these one-of-a-kind vessels are created with off-cuts of clay from other vessels
One of the blessings of creative life is always wanting to explore new frontiers in one's craft. I've been exploring lots of different ways that slabs can be used. The Trenery collab October last year was a perfect example of…