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Mindfulness-Based Somatics

I am offering mindfulness-based Somatics sessions.  As a trained facilitator of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programme (MBSR)  developed by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, I soon realised there is such a natural resonance between somatics and mindfulness. People who are drawn to…

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At the heart of Clinical Somatics are gentle movements called pandiculations. When you look this word up in the dictionary, it is defined as stretching but this description loses its nuance. Next time you wake up and "stretch" see if…

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a somatic sensibility

Feeling and Healing the body from within Spring at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo and I led my first Somatics and Mindfulness retreat. New beginnings! 25 beautiful people showed up, slowed down together, moved gently, explored with interest and…

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ocean and waves lisa firer mindfulness and movement

ocean and wave

Never was the spiritual teaching that  our buddha-nature “is like the sea, and each individual is like a wave on the surface of the ocean”  (Hakuun Yasutani) more evident than at a recent visit to the beach front in Sea…

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